The first time I listened to it I've got to admit that I was rather disappointed with it. Although that I had liked the new ring to the single Story of My Life, I thought the rest of the songs were rather dull and not very memorable. And Best Song Ever has had it's time, I didn't even feel like listening to it.
Although, because I had heard that you had to listen to the album a couple of times to like it, I decided to give it another chance and I'm really glad that I did because now I can't stop pressing the replay button. I'm even listening to it as I write this.

My favorite thing about the album, as weird as it sounds, isn't actually their songs, but the fact that the formation of the songs are different from before. E.g. the first two albums, Up All Night and Take Me Home, were mainly sung by Liam, Harry and Zayn, but now Niall and Louis are coming strong into this album. Which I think is a very good thing and the reason is, well, they looked quite bored at their newest concert as they really didn't have many lines in each song. Louis wasn't even allowed to finish his only solo line in the single Best Song Ever, the "I know, you know, you know, I'll remember you" bit as Zayn was made swoop in and finish it.

I don't think I have a favorite song on the album as I always find something I don't like in each song, but I guess if I had to choose it would be Happily, that is apart from Story of My Life. The only thing I don't like in it is the bit "we're on fire". I just don't get it, but I love the hyped up part after that.
Lastly I would just really like to say a few words about each song on the album.
Best Song Ever: Starts very well, with good energy, and the "ow" from Harry is a very fun part. It is though a very milked idea of a song. I just thought of Tenacious D with their song Tribute when I first heard of this one.

Diana: Singing a song about a girl, basic. But, still making it very fun and catchy, you could really dance to this.

You and I: A very cute and relaxing song. Has a kind of like a Romeo and Juliet feel to it. Maybe a bit cheesy. I like the most about the song though that Niall starts it for once.
Don't Forget Where You Belong; Pretty basic song based on the place they're now in as pop stars. They don't want to forget where they come from and that they are normal. Good song though.

Happily: Maybe my most favorite, but I just don't get the "we're on fire" bit, please explain it to me in the comments. But as I said earlier the part after is very fun and I really like it.
Right Now: Not very special to me. Just about the touring and probably them missing their girlfriends or just another love song.

Through The Dark; I like this song. The music and text is pretty good. So it's good. I really like the sound of the guitar.
Something Great: I like this song, except for the part were Zayn sings like a emo, like he's about to cry.
Little White Lies: I like this song, it's catchy and fun.
Better Than Words: This song is really good. Scratch everything I said before, this is my favorite song on the album. Just so much fun and the "tsss" Niall does, so funny. A bit too much "oooww" though, like someone just grabbed their crotch to make them sing higher.

Does He Know: I like this song, but doesn't it quite go against Little Things? And are they promoting cheating? At least it sounds like it's about cheating. Otherwise I like it.
Alive: I think this song is so funny, I can't help but laugh when I hear the end of their sentences, like "eehh" squall. And the other parts of the song do remind me of some other song, I'm not sure what song though. Should have been the last song on the album though. A perfect ending song for an album.
Half a Heart: Is probably the sweetest song I've ever heard and this song just screams LOVE! This makes me want to be in love. A very good job song writers.
Although this review can be seen as being negative and disliking 1D by some directioners, it is not inteded to be. This is just some constructive criticism. I am actually myself a directioner, so please no hate.
I give the album on a scale from 1-10: 7.5
Please comment below what you thought of the album, did you like it? Dislike it? And why?
If you agree with me on anything or disagree please let me also know in the comments below.
- Just a Blogger