Saturday 7 December 2013

Let's Talk: Fashion

So I am walking down the street and everywhere I look people are dressed the same. I go on the bus and everybody dresses the same and then I look in the papers and magazines and EVERYBODY DRESSES THE SAME!

So I was reading this article or maybe more of an interview and it was about people who are just starting college and their clothing style. It was a boy and a girl who were interviewed and they both talked a lot about how they have their own style and how they don’t mind what other people think about them and their style, they dress as they please. So I look at the pictures of them, which the interview had been decorated with, and it shows a few examples of their style. For a while I just look at the pictures and sort of drain it all in. I look at them and then think about the people on the streets, the people on the bus and lastly the people in the magazines. Their style is no different from the rest of the people. Their style isn't unique in the slightest; it’s just the fashion that’s in right now.

This brings me to my subject. Why does everyone, whether they like the fashion or not, try to stuff themselves into the latest fashion just because it is the latest fashion? I know that deep down everyone wants to fit in and have a place where they belong, I do too. But why not just wear the clothes you like and look good on you, rather than wearing clothes that you might not even like just because it’s the latest fashion.

I've even heard people say: “I hate these clothes, but because they’re the latest fashion I’ll have to wear them and buy them though they’re really expensive.” Okay I might have added the last part about how expensive they are and how you could be using your money for something you actually want and will enjoy, but you get what I’m saying right?

Even clothes that I hated when I was a bit younger and me and my friends were saying that we would never wear anything like that and fashion that people said: “this will never come back, it’s so horrid” has come back, and not only that but my childhood friends all wear it because it’s in right now. Also fashion that was made fun of is now mainstream. I just don’t get why because some fashion guru told them to wear something they wear it? It just doesn't make sense.

Of course I realise that taste changes and my taste has happily changed a lot too. But I do not think that everybody's taste changes in the same way, that is that they just suddenly all think the same style is their style. It just really saddens me that everyone feels like they have to dress the same to not be ridiculed by their clothing choices. I have witnessed people talking badly behind other people's backs and not wanting to communicate with them just because of their clothing choices. This I think is wrong.

I think people should be more free to make up their own mind what they would like to wear and having the possibility to buy something they think is cute or cool without having to worry about what others will think or if it's in fashion or not. If you can buy it in a store and you think it's brilliant, it's fashion. Maybe it's not mainstream or nobody else is wearing it, but who cares? The only thing that matters is that you like it.

New fashion is born when you pick something different than the masses. 

- Just a Blogger

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