The Standard Review
When I first saw the trailer, the teaser trailer that is, of the movie I wasn't interested. I just thought the movie was some kind of a dumb kids movie and I didn't really care for it. Some time later though I watched the "second" trailer with no hopes at all for this particular movie, but I'm so glad I did. Because I had no idea what kind of adventure awaited me. That was Disney's big mistake by my opinion. Making the "first" trailer, the trailer that was shown in movie theaters all around the world be so bad that maybe I wasn't the only one who thought it was just some dumb kids movie. Some people might not even have bothered to see the "second" trailer because of the "first" one. But I'm really glad that I did because an adventure like Frozen is something you don't say no to.
The things I love the most about the movie is the way you can relate to it, although it's maybe not an environment we can relate to, it's the characters we can. And I just love the little things, the funny little things that make you laugh and just want to watch the movie over and over again. The characters are also magnificently made, making their characteristics so real and different and how the music changes with every character.
Now if you haven't seen the movie yet, please go watch it now and then come back and continue reading this review because there will be spoilers. If you don't want to watch the movie, please check out this trailer of the movie and if that doesn't convince you check out this song from the movie, my personal favorite,
Let's swim deeper into the Frozen lake:
Anyways now I'll be going a little deeper into the content of the movie, starting with the characters. The character I would like to start with is Elsa.
Elsa is this wonderful, loving person and I always feel so bad for her. She has this gift but because of the dangerous of it she keeps hidden away. The saddest thing is though that she and Anna were best friends but because of the incident where Elsa struck Anna with her powers, she doesn't even want to see Anna anymore because of the fear of hurting her again. This leads to them drifting apart and at the ball they act like total strangers. They don't really know each other anymore.The other thing that always makes me so sad is the fact that she spends all of her time cooped up in her room like it's her prison, because no one will understand her powers and she would be called evil. Of course her parents are just trying to protect her and keep it therefore a secret, closing all entrances to the castle and shutting everyone out.
The worst thing is that she has been spending all these years trying to control her powers and feeling so scared and nervous of someone finding
out and calling her a monster. And when she suddenly loses control of it everyone turns against her.
That really makes me think "what if the Snow Queen was just misunderstood?", like the woman in Hansel and Gretel. She has been working on making her dream house for many years and then some kids come along and start eating it. Poor woman, though not justifying her actions.
Although, I quite like the scene that follows, when she goes up to the mountains and can finally be free and be herself. She can do all these magnificent things with her powers and it's just my all time favorite part of the movie. She doesn't care what others think about her anymore and I think that many people can relate to that, wanting to be able to be free and be who they are without other people's judgement. At least I do.
And I just love that song that she sings "Let it go". It is my all time favorite Disney song now and the scene also. I just keep watching it over and over again and I seem to not be able to get enough of it. It's just the way the music fits perfectly with everything she does and it's just such a good scene. I can't really describe it. I just love the time she first says: "The cold never bothered me anyway" and lets her cape fly of the mountain and when she makes the stairs and steps on the first steps and it turns into beautiful ice. It's just so brilliant. She goes from being this timid, shy girl to an awesome, magnificent and fabulous woman. When she starts building the castle, even if there isn't any singing involved I just love the way the music is perfectly synced with what she is creating. I've got to admit though that the last 30 seconds of the song is my favorite part of the whole movie. When she lets her hair down and makes a perfect snowy dress and then walks out onto her balcony. She just looks so fabulous and strong and confident. I just love that scene. And then when she says for the second time "the cold never bothered me anyway", that is the most brilliant end of a song scene I have ever seen. I'm sorry that this is such a long description of one scene but I just literally love it so much that I can't bear it. If you have no idea what scene I was talking about check it out here. I'm just playing it non-stop.
Anyways, enough about Elsa, I've talked way to much about her, probably because she's my favorite character. But lets turn to another character such as Anna.
Furthermore, what I also love about Anna is her little moments in her songs that always make me laugh. The sentences "Don't know if I'm elated or gassy, but I'm somewhere in the zone" and "I suddenly see him standing there, a beautiful stranger, tall and fair. I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face" in the song "For the First Time in Forever" always make me laugh. And the scene in the same song where she is using the drapes as a dress being all sophisticated, it cracks me up every time. My favorite sentences in a song sung by her is a sentence from the song "Love is an Open Door" where they sing:
Anna: "What?!"
Hans: "We finish each other's-"
Anna: " Sandwiches"
It's just the funniest thing anyone could ever finish that sentence with and then he is like: "That's what I was gonna say!" well we all know he wasn't going to say that but it's just really funny, isn't it? And the other thing is the end of the song when he asks if he can say something crazy and proposes to her and she says can I say something crazier? Yes! It's just so funny, because of course it's crazy. They just met a few hours earlier.
The next person I would like to talk about is the last person and that is Olaf.
Although, I do like it that in the end when the summer is coming and he's melting that Elsa makes him his very own cloud with snow coming from it. And of course he has his moments, which are so funny. I especially like his song "In Summer" where he sings about how great it will be when summer comes. My favorite lines are when he's skipping along and sings "Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be a-" he stops by a puddle and looks sad at it like he's just realized what he will be, but then he blurts out the funniest words "happy snowman!" and jumps happily over the puddle. It's just so funny, every time I hear it in the song I laugh. Also when he sings, which makes no sense however, "The hot and the cold are both so intense, put'em together-it just makes sense!" is so funny. But the thing I love maybe the most about the song is in the end when Kristoff says: " I'm gonna' tell him" and Anna looks angry at him and says: "Don't you dare" that is just the cherry on top of the ice cream.
I think that I won't make this review any longer as it has been long enough. Way to long even. I absolutely love this film and I could talk loads more about it, but I think this is quite enough. If you have made it this far thank you so much for reading this, it means a lot.
And please leave a comment about what you thought of the film, do you agree or disagree with this review? Write it down below :)
I do not own any of the pictures I used in this review, here are the links to them: